Gambel’s Quail
The Gambel's Quail is a pear-shaped bird with short legs and roundish wings. Both sexes are gray colored above and buff colored below. Males have a black throat and face and have a head plume (called a "topknot"), a red cap and a white headband. Females have a less prominent plume and lack black coloration and the red head cap. The Gambel's Quail has a 14-inch wingspan and an average weight of six ounces. Range: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, California, Nevada in the U.S. and Mexico.
Feeder Preference:
- Platform Feeder
- On the Ground
Dove & Quail Food
A special blend of premium seeds and grain formulated for doves, quail, pheasants and game birds.
Available Packages:
10 lb. Poly Bag
20 lb. Barrier Bag